Monday, November 16, 2009
It's been 4 days already since my parents left for their hajj and honestly, the experience of their absence is not what i ever had in mind at all. the fact that they were leaving both me and my sis for more or less 40 days never really hit me at all until the moment those security guards opened the gates to the ones going foe the hajj. My sister already cried 2 nights before they left while my dad briefed us what to do during their hajj and if there were to be any "accidents". I was heavy hearted a lil on the side but no tears. When they were leaving for the gates, I nearly cried.
the last photo taken before they left
played with fire at
11/16/2009 08:25:00 AM
The flames and ashes
Well I'm just any normal guy you would just meet by the streets.
For the people that have met me before...
most of them say I'm a quiet guy...= = don't see that~
as u get to know me, you'll find me really retarded XD lol.
Oh and I do hold grudges for a long time when someone really pisses me off =D
so don't say I didn't give you any head's up bout this.
see ya and enjoy your time in my first ever actual blog
Birthday: 12/march/1990
Interest: Firedancing, rockclimbing, basketball
The keeper of the FLAME
Their words and yours..